Showcase of Locomotives by Ben Pavier, please select a locomotive below
BPLW can provide many services for Stream Locomotives and Live Steam of all sizes, including British Steam Locomotives such as LNER A1 Steam Locomotives, standard gauge steam locomotives, from scrap steam engines or part built to commercial built, BP Locomotive Works can work with your steam engine.
Latest Testimonials of work
- Testimonial of Test Fowler 4 Inch R3 Road Loco Works
- Locomotives Showcase – Showcase of Locomotives by Ben Pavier Locomotive Works
- Testimonial of BR Standard Class 9F 5″
- Testimonial of 5″ Duchess “Sir William” Complete Build
- Testimonial of 3 1/2″ “NETTA” RePaint and Complete Build
- Testimonial of 5 inch “Black 5” Crank Pin Replacements and Reset
- Testimonial of LNER A3 “Flying Scotsman” 5 Inch from owner Paul Caldwell

9F 5 Inch 92046
BR Standard Class 9F 5 Inch 92046 This locomotive was bought by the current owner as a "running engine" from ...

Simplex 5 Inch
Simplex 5 Inch This engines boiler had failed and had resided on a sideboard for 3 years. The top half ...

LNER A3 “Flying Scotsman” 5 Inch
LNER A3 "Flying Scotsman" 5 Inch This engine was bought as a "running engine".. which it did, but not so ...

Stanier 2-6-4 | 3 1/2 Inch
Stanier 2-6-4 | 3 1/2 Inch This little tank engine came in to be "tidied up". The smokebox was repainted, ...